Article : Plug&Play ESS solutions

Flexible, Modular and scalable high-performance storage solutions

PowerRack® system offers the most powerful energy storage solution in terms of modularity, lifespan, security and environmental footprint.

It is equipped with an embedded intelligence system developed by PowerTech Systems called BMSMatrix®.
It easily and securely manages the deployment, control and monitoring of large or complex energy storage systems. This technology offers incredible modularity and flexibility. It can thus be easily deployed with voltage ranges from 48VDC to more than 1000VDC, with a capacity ranging from a few KWh to several MWh.

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PowerRack® : Plug&Play ESS for large spectrum of applications

A flexible and scalable storage solution

PowerRack® has a programmable communication system, compatible with the leading converters on the market (SMA, Studer, Schneider, etc.).
The interface can be adapted to communicate with specific applications. The standard embedded protocols are: CAN, CAN Open, RS232, RS485, ModBus.

Target applications :

  • Smart grids, Off-Grid and weak-Grid
  • Heavy duty traction (Electric vessels, railway, etc.)
  • Telecom

PowerTech Systems attends to FIRA (International Forum of Agricultural Robotics)

The 2nd edition of the International Forum of Agricultural Robotics organized by NAIO will take place on November 29th and 30th, 2017, in Toulouse.

November, 2017

This event meets about twenty exhibitors, specialists of the automation and robotics in agriculture. Among them, PowerTechSystems represented by Cyril Bergeaud, CEO, and Olivier Lechable, Sales Director.

2 days of exchanges and discoveries in the presence of experts. For example, it will be possible to meet:

  • Head of Robotics and Automation of the Agri-Epi Center at Harper Adams University as well as the Director of the National Center for Precision Farming, (UK),
  • President and Managing Director, Naïo Technologies, Aymeric Barthes et Gaëtan Severac (France)
  • Professor in agricultural robotics and head of the Robotics and Control Group at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Pal Joan From (Norway)
  • Member of the Executive Committee of CAPAGRO, Isabelle Monpert (France)
  • Venture Analyst and Associate in Anterra Capital, Dan HARBURG (US)
  • Director of Research of the IRSTEA National Institute of Scientific and Technological Research for the Environment and Agriculture, Roland Lenain (France)

In 2025, the agriculture could represent the 2nd robotics market. To understand and know it more, some essential themes will be deal with :

  • « Why robots come to the farm? », animated by Isabel Báez Betancort, journalist, Spanish Medias Agricoles (Espagne)
  • « The drudgery of farm work », animated by Maët Le Lan, Coordinator Experimental Station, Chamber of Agriculture (Brittany) (France)
  • « The new shift in agriculture », animated by Tobias Meyer, journalist, Traction Magazine (Germany)

To know more on :

FIRA exhibition
Lithium-ion applications
Lithium-ion PowerTechSystems Storage Systems

Lithium Ion battery for ESTACA On The Salt is ready !

June, 2017

This high performance Lithium ion iron Phosphate LiFe (LiFePO4) battery is designed by the PowerTech Systems teams. This lithium ion battery is able to deliver 250kW during the race in order to beat the speed record of the Bonneville Speed Week (USA) in August 2017.

Good luck guys for the final race !

More information : Estaca On the Salt

PowerTech Systems, batteries supplier for COP 22 in Marrakech

January, 2017


First, the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP22) took place in Marrakech, from 7 to 18 November. 

Of course, all the participants work together to come up with global solutions to climate change. Salaheddine Mezouar, the Moroccan Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation will preside the conference.

On this occasion (COP22), the moroccan engineer Imad Morchid revealed his unique concept car to the world. His revolutionary invention highlights and links performance and design… The vehicule is 100% electric powered. His vehicle is able to generate very high performances (up to 160 HP).

PowerTech Systems is proud to announce its participation to this project. PowerTech Systems designs and supplies the battery system of this vehicule.


Click here to have more informations about this concept car

Click here to reach COP 22 Official Website

Lithium Ion batteries for a 400km/h speed record !

October, 2016

PowerTech Systems is glad to be a part of ESTACA Engineering School speed record project: Estaca On The Salt !

Speed Record

The goal ? Building a 100% electric car capable to beat the World record of 343Km/h (213.084 MpH), and, why not, to exceed 400km/h.

PowerTech Systems will design a lightweight battery with very high discharge capabilities (250kW peak power!) to help the team to beat this record.

estaca schoolestaca_logo

ESTACA students were at the Paris Motor Show 2016 to present their project and concept car :

estaca on the salt tag_img_4965 Estaca on the Salt

Click here to visit ESTACA On The Salt website
See also :