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Anticipating the evolution towards self-consumption, PowerTech Systems has decided to turn to Lithium-Ion storage batteries associated to independent systems of energy production.
All over the world, small districts will sparse population and often rugged geography are beyond the viable reach of the regional grid system. And many countries suffer from power outage too. Stand-alone renewables are the obvious solution. But electrifying remote areas means to provide a long masting solution with a reliable storage item and very low maintenance.
PowerModule is an advanced Lithium battery system for industrial vehicles, mid and heavy duty traction, robotics, and applications requiring high capacity and/or high voltage (up to 819.2V nominal).
Up to 128 modules can be assembled in series, in parallel and both series and parallel.
Depending on the size of the final installation, an external BMS may be required to control the system. For small systems with up to 16 modules and that do not require monitoring in the cloud, external BMS is not required.
Energy can be produced on local mode connected with less and less grid : renewable energies are becoming cheaper (nuclear energy’s selling price is 0.12 Euros/kWh and will increase by 30% within 2025. Meanwhile a solar plant in Africa is 0.08 Euros/kWh)
Energy production for domestic use presents a good return on investment (price of photovoltaic cells has been divided by 6 in the last 3 years)
Solar panels do not work at night or in cloudy conditions, wind mills depend on wind conditions, power generators depend on oil supply.
Real time energy generation has to be stored to optimize domestic use with no rupture of energy and permanent control on the storage reserve level.
Storage capability must be durably reliable, eco friendly and ready to handle long short cut of power supply.
Lithium Iron Phosphate (new Lithium-Ion chemistry) will not burn and do not explode when charging is prolonged or overloaded
Lithium-ion batteries have an energy density exceeding 150 Wh/kg. The energy density of a lead acid battery is about 20 to 30 Wh/kg.
Lithium-Ion batteries support up to 5000 thousand charge cycles and discharge unlike conventional lead batteries (about 500 cycles).
Lithium-ion batteries can withstand high ambient temperature (up to 60°C)
Lithium-ion batteries do not need any maintenance
Lithium-ion batteries contain no toxic heavy metals such as lead and cadmium
The lifespan of Lithium Iron Phosphate is far superior to Lead batteries even for deep discharge cycles (up to 20 years). Lifetime > 80% after 3000 cycles at 1/2C charge discharge